Api-Expo, October 17-19, 2014

All details regarding the Api-Expo 2014 (application form, booths reservation fees, participant firms, addresses, etc.)

Api-Expo 2014 will be organized in the hall in front of the Conference Rooms and in the room Europe III , at the first floor of the Aro-Palace Hotel, in Brasov, Romania.

You can see a virtual tour of all available spaces (including of Europe III room) in the following webpage:


Application form and fees for Api-Expo 2014

1. Name of your firm/company :


2. Your First and Last Name :


3. Address of your company :


4. Corresponding address :


5. E-mail address and website :

6. Phone number :


7. My firm is a member of the Romanian Apitherapy Society: Yes /No


8. I payed the membership fees for the Romanian Apitherapy Society, as a firm/company, for 2014 (50 Eur): Yes / No


9. My firm is a member of the International Federation of Apitherapy: Yes /No


10. I paid the membership fees for 2014 for the membership in the International Apitherapy Federation (100 Eur for firms/companies): Yes / No.


11. I payed the participation fees for the post-Congress intensive Workshops (October 20 and 21) : Yes / No

– 60 Eur/person for Romanian Apitherapy Society’s members;

– 120 Eur/person for the non-members.


12. I payed the fees for family accompanying members participants to the Congress: Yes / No

– 20 Eur

Please mention here the complete name of the person that is accompanying you: ……………….


13. I will participate to the trip to be organized Sunday afternoon, October 19-th. , at Rasnov Citadel and Bran Castle (30 Euro/person) : Yes / No

14. Booth/stand reservation fees for Api-Expo (October 17-19, 2014):

o Info-stand (only information materials & samples allowed), 1mx1m – 70 Eur/stand

o Stand of 2m x 2m – 100 Eur/stand (for RAS members); 200 Eur/stand (non RAS members);

o Stand de 3m x 2m – 200 Eur/stand (for RAS members); 300 Eur/stand (non RAS members);

o Stand de 4m x 2m – 300 Eur/stand (for RAS members); 400 Eur/stand (non RAS members) .


15. Important! Two persons from each booth will have free entrance to the conferences , having a specific name badge.

Any extra person will need to pay though, for the entrance in the conference room, a fee of only 30 Eur/person for all 3 days of the Congress.

16. The payments for the meals in Aro-Palace Hotel can be made in cash or put on your room if you will reserve a room in the hotel. The guests of the hotel will have the breakfast fees included in the price of the room.



Important! All Expo, Congress and post-Congress intensive Workshop related payments must be made in the bank account of the Romanian Apitherapy Society (see below). Immediately after you will make the payment, please let us know through E-mail to: secretariat@apiterapie.ro + venindealbine@yahoo.com +

To be able to process faster your application, please scan the money transfer payment document and then send it to us, per e-mail, as attached „jpeg” or „PDF” document.


17. Details you need in order to make your payment to the Romanian Apitherapy Society’s bank account:


Asoc. „Societatea Romana de Apiterapie”

Fiscal code (CIF) : 22543806

Beneficiary address:

Str. Nucilor nr. 3, oras Magurele, Ilfov County, postal code 077120, Romania.

Beneficiary Bank : Raiffeisen bank, Ag. APUSULUI, Bucharest, Romania.

Bank address: Bd. Iuliu Maniu nr. 73, Bl. C3, sector 6, 061089 Bucharest, Romania.Phone: +40-21-434.07.31; 434.13.01. Fax: 434.07.25

Swift Code (live BIC): RZBRROBUXXX

IBAN Code:

RO24RZBR0000060009704520 (Eur)

Money transfer purpose: …..


18. Please mention here the technical details of your payment: wire transfer number …… / date ………….. / name of the person/institution paying your Congress/Apiexpo/Workshops/Trip fees: …………………………..

for (name of participant/ name of firm/company):………………………………