Curriculum vitae Dr Ramona-Niculina JURCĂU
Pathophysiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, „Iuliu Hatieganu”
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Educaţie şi formare. Medic, Doctor în Științe Medicale, studii de Psihologie. Pregătire didactică – pedagogică, educație medicală PRIME. Specialitatea Medicină de Familie, competențe naţionale şi internaţionale în Api-Aroma-Fitoterapie, Homeopatia, Acupunctura.
Experienţa profesională. Activitate didactică în română şi franceză, la Catedra de Fiziopatologie. Cercetări în domeniul stresului chirurgical, fizic, psiho-emoţional, oxidativ şi al medicinilor ne-convenţionale. Participarea la manifestări științifice de Fiziopatologie, Fiziologie, Psiho-Neuro-Endocrinologie, Stres, Psihologie, Medicini ne-convenţionale. Profesarea în domeniul privat.
Activitatea profesională. Cercetări publicate în reviste şi volume ale evenimentelor științifice. Cărţi publicate în domeniile Fiziopatologie, Stres, Pedagogie – Educaţie Psihologică.
Training. MD, PhD, bachelors of Psychology. Pedagogical – Didactic and Medical Education certificates and teacher training PRIME. MD Specialist in Family Medicine, with national and international competencies in Api-Aroma-Phytotherapy, Homeopathy and Acupuncture.
Professional experiences. Teaching in Romanian and French, at Chair of Pathophysiology. Researches in the field of surgical, physical, psycho-emotional and oxidative stress and non-conventional medicines. Participation in scientific events of Pathophysiology, Physiology, Psycho-Neuro-Endocrinology, Stress, Psychology, Non-conventional Medicines. Medical practice in private area.
Professional activity. Researches published in journals and scientific events volumes. Books published, in the fields of Pathophysiology, Stress, Pedagogy-Psychological Education. Coordering Pathophysiology diploma theses. Participation in grants projects. Affiliations: the Romanian (Medical) Society of Pathophysiology, Physiology, Physical Education – Sport, Psycho-Neuro-Endocrinology, Social Psychology, Non-conventional Medicines; the Stress and Anxiety Research Society, AMEE individual membership.
Skills. English and French – level B2; Italian and Spanish – level C2. PC skill.