Rezumate, in romana si engleza: 15 august
Lucrari complete: 31 august
PPT/PDF (romana si engleza) : 15 septembrie
Aveti aici modele pt. realizarea rezumatelor, lucrarilor complete si PPT-urilor, in caz ca va decideti sa participati ca si speakeri/autori:
Model 1 PPT – Congress SRA 2016
Model 2 PPT – Congress SRA 2016
Mai jos aveti, in engleza, ghidul pt. scrierea rezumatului dv.:
Guidelines for Abstract
Abstracts must be submitted in your native language and in English using Times New Roman, Font size 12 point, single-spaced. Margin: top (3 cm), bottom (3 cm), left (2 cm), right (2 cm).
Title (in bold): must not exceed 200 characters. No abbreviations are allowed in the title.
Authors and Institutions: These should appear below the title, with the first or middle name of each author given in full. The institutions/laboratories/clinics where the work was carried out should be given below the authors’ names. Main corresponding author’s name should be underlined. E-mail address must be given for corresponding author.
Abstract Body: Abstract should consist of the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusion, Keywords (max 5 keywords). The abstract must follow this content and order. Please make sure to start a new paragraph for each section.
a.Capacity of the Abstract body – no more than 2000 characters (no spaces);
b.Please use standard abbreviations for units of measure; other abbreviations must be spelled out in full at the first mention, followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis;
c.Tables, charts, photos or other figures are not permitted in the abstract.
All abstracts will be reviewed by the reviewers selected by the organizing committee.
The final decision (for oral presentation) will be taken only after you will submit us your abstract, your full paper and your PowerPoint/PDF. If approved, your abstracts, your full article and PowerPoint/PDF presentations will be included in the Congress-CD that will be given to the participants.
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