Bibliografie Polen (A-Z)


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  • *** (1985) (Romania) –  Polen granule. Normã internã (Romanian) (***).


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  • *** (1993) (Romania)   What is the brutto content of bee pollen ? (Romanian),
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  • *** Apitherapy in Romania (1994) (Romanian).
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  • Albo Graciela, Anselmo,R.J.,  Lausada Lucia Itati,  Michanie C.Silvia,  Perez,O. (Argentine)   –  Etudes préliminaires pour la preparation du pollen pour la consommation,
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  • Hadzi-Djordjevic,L., Micovic,I.V. (1983) (Yugoslavia)  –  Nouveaux extraits de pollen pour les industries alimentaires, pharmaceutique et cosmetique,
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[1] The introduction of a pollen diet as an adjuvant in the reduction of side effects during radiotherapy of patients with gynaecological cancer is described and its efficacy evaluated. 15 women with carcinoma of the cervix received a pollen diet during irradiation, whilst ten further patients receiving irradiation served as controls without pollen added to the diet. Serum enzymes, proteins, vitamins and blood count were analysed before and after irradiation. It appears, that pollen favourably influences the efficacy of irradiation and reduces the frequency of side effects, both subjectively and objectively.
PMID: 2995 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE].


Imkerfreund # 2, 1997, Seite 25.


Verursacht die Einnahme von Honig und Pollen höhere Cholesterinwerte ?


Frau K. schrieb: Ich hatte eine schwere Erkältung, die ich mit einer Kombination aus Honig und Pollen geheilt habe.  Doch nachdem die Erkältung vorbei war, hatte ich extrem hohe Cholesterinwerte.

Mein       Arzt hat nun behauptet, daß diese hohen Cholesterinwerte durch die Einnahme von Honig und Pollen hervorgerufen würden.


Dazu antwortete Dr. Stangaciu folgendermaßen:


  1. a) Honig und Bienenpollen enthalten nur sehr geringe Mengen an Fett (Cholesterin, Triglyceride, etc.). Darum nimmt man bei dem Konsum von Honig und Pollen keine großen Mengen von Fett auf.


  1. b) Honig gibt dem Körper sehr gute, sofort verfügbare Energie. Eine amerikanische Studie zeigte, daß der Konsum von Süßigkeiten den Cholesteringehalt nicht beeinflußt, es ist sogar so, daß durch den Konsum von Süßigkeiten Fette (Lipide) leichter verbrannt werden. Man könnte also beispielsweise Honig mit Flugzeugbenzin vergleichen, während man dann Fett mit Rohöl vergleichen müßte.


  1. c) Pollen aktiviert – neben anderen Dingen – auch den Anabolismus, das ist der Mechanismus im Körper, der für den Aufbau und die Regeneration von Zellen verantwortlich ist. Daher steigt mit der Polleneinnahme normalerweise der Appetit. Viele Studien (GHEORGHIEVA 1975; SERAFIN 1994) haben gezeigt, daß mit einer- Pollen-Langzeitkur der Gehalt von Cholesterin und anderen Fetten im Blut gesenkt werden kann.


  1. Jede Person auf dieser Welt ist ein Individuum, daher ist der Stoffwechsel von Person zu Person verschieden. Es gibt Menschen, die große Mengen von Fett (z.  Schweinefett) essen können und trotzdem einen normalen Cholesteringehalt im Blut haben.  Es gibt viele Faktoren, die den Cholesterinspiegel im Blut beeinflussen.  Lesen Sie auch Bücher, über Cholesterin, so daß Sie mehr über die Faktoren, die den Cholesterinspiegel im Blut beeinflussen, wissen.


  1. e) Ich glaube, daß in Ihrem Falle, die Erhöhung des Cholersterinspiegels nützlich war, weil Sie eine Erklältung gehabt haben. Eine geringe Erhöhung des Cholesterinspiegels hilft normalerweise gegen Erkältungen. Andererseits könnte die Erhöhung des Cholesterinspiegels verursacht worden sein durch: – hohen Verzehr von Fetten (Butter,

Sahne, Rohmilch, Schweinefleisch)

–        Saisonschwankungen (vor der kalten Jahreszeit steigt normalerweise der Gehalt von Blutfetten moderat an).

–        Stress und ähnliches.


Mein Rat ist:

den täglichen Verzehr von Butter, Sahne und Schweinefleisch zu verringern,

Honig und Pollen auf lange Sicht, aber in kleinen Dosen und immer in Tee aufgelöst, zu sich zu nehmen.  Meiner Meinung nach ist es besser für Sie, einen Teelöffel von Honig vor dem Frühstück und einen vor dem Mittagessen zu nehmen und 3 – 4 Teelöffel von Pollen nach den Mahlzeiten zu nehmen

– Propolis zu nehmen (roh 2 – 3 g pro Tag und Tinktur, 30 Tropfen/Tag)

– alle 3 – 4 Wochen eine medizinische Kontrolle vornehmen zu lassen.  Wenn die anderen Parameter stimmen (Blutzucker, Proteine, Leberanalyse) und Sie sonst gesund sind, können Sie glücklich sein.”


[i] Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Valladolid, Spain.


[ii] Simple procedures for the extraction and chromatographic determination of benomyl and carbendazim in honey, bees wax, larvae, bees and pollen are proposed. The fungicides were extracted from honey, larvae and bees using ethyl acetate, while methanol was more suitable for wax and pollen samples. Pollen extracts need a further clean-up step with n-hexane. The determination is carried out by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection. The procedures have been applied to the analysis of benomyl on honey and larvae samples from hives whose bees were nourished with artificial food mixed with benomyl.
PMID: 9408999, UI: 98073393.


[iii] Author’s address:
Chernovtsy Medical Institute, Chernovtsy State University, Ukraine.

It has been established that small x-irradiation dozes activate the lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system enzymes in mice liver. The introduction of bee pollen extract to animals normalized the activity of only several glutathione system enzymes in mice liver.

PMID: 9583135 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]


[iv] Address: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food CSL Food Science Laboratory, Colney, Norwich, UK.

[v] A method was developed for the determination in honey of the Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) derived pyrrolizidine alkaloids jacoline, jacozine, jacobine, seneciphylline and senecionine, combining solid-phase extraction with high performance liquid chromatography and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometric detection. The method allowed determination of individual alkaloids and offered a considerable improvement in terms of speed, sensitivity and specificity over previous approaches, but was not suitable for determination of jaconine, a minor alkaloid in Ragwort. Instrument calibrations were linear over the range 0.005 to 100 micrograms/ml, equivalent to approximately 0.001 to 2.0 mg/kg in honey with the extraction method used and allowing for observed recoveries. Detection limits in honey were 0.002 mg/kg. Recoveries for most of the alkaloids were between 57 and 70%. The alkaloids have been determined in a number of samples of honey selected after pollen identification and counting. The alkaloids were not detectable in samples containing two grains or less of Ragwort pollen per gram of honey. Samples collected in late July and August contained Ragwort pollen at 15-21 grains/g and total alkaloid concentrations of 0.011-0.056 mg/kg. Similar contributions to the total were made by jacozine, seneciophylline and senecionine, with jacobine making a larger and jacoline a smaller contribution. Two samples of honey containing Ragwort pollen at 24 and 16 grains/g had total alkaloid concentrations of 0.42 and 1.48 mg/kg respectively (not corrected for recovery). The alkaloid profile in these samples was dominated by seneciphylline and senecionine which together comprised 90-95% of the total.
Alkaloids were not detected in retail honeys.


[vi] Abstract:

The state of erythrocyte redox system of rats feeding on apis flower pollen load during a month was investigated. It was established that the content of glutathione, total SH-groups as well as activities of glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase in these animals in comparison with the control group were increased. Simultaneously a decrease of malondialdehyde and dienic conjugates in erythrocytes was shown. The activity of catalase and superoxide dismutase were increased, but it was not statistically reliable. A conclusion was made that the antioxidative system is nonspecifically activated and oxidative processes are blocked in erythrocytes of rats fed on apis flower pollen load.
PMID: 7785093 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]


[vii] Address:  Unite Abeille, Centre National d’Etudes Veterinaires et Alimentaires (CNEVA), Sophia-Antipolis, France.

[viii] To meet the needs of a colony, bees collect honey, honey-dew, pollen and water from an environment exposed to various bacterial and chemical contaminants, which might be incorporated in products for human consumption. In addition to this environmental pollution, contamination of bee products may also occur during packing. In France, tests for various pollutants are performed more or less systematically, at the request of the Ministry of Agriculture, merchants or producers. Honey and royal jelly contain very little bacterial or chemical contamination, due to both the ability of colonies to eliminate pathogenic and non-pathogenic micro-organisms present in their environment, and to the physico-chemical properties of these products, as well as the role of bees in filtering chemical pollutants. To create the framework for European legislation on the testing of products, bacterial and chemical standards should be created and should be based on standardised techniques. The testing of imported bee products requires greater attention.







Our investigation indicates positive changes caused by honey and pollen in the immune and antioxidative systems, when applying surgical treatment to gastric and colon-rectal cancer patients.

The aim of this work is to evaluate the impact of honey and pollen on the immune system and on the antioxidative and blood-forming systems in gastric and colon-rectal cancer patients, when they are administered chemopreparations.

76 patients with gastric and colon-rectal cancer have been investigated, as they were administered chemopreparations. 41 of them used honey and pollen simultaneously with the specific treatment and 35 used chemopreparations, but no bee products.

The Lithuanian Nutrition Center performed hygienic, chemical composition and biological analyses on honey and pollen.

The hematological indicators (leucocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophiles, monocytes, thrombocytes); the indicators of cell and humoral immunity (T-lymphocytes (CD3+), T-helper cells (CD4+), T-cytotoxic cells (CD8+), B-lymphocytes (CD20+), natural killers (CD16+): the blast level and the activity of neutrophiles (by the NTB test), as well as the G, A, M class immunoglobulin concentration in the peripheral blood circulation and the indices that reflect the activity of the antioxidant system (DK and MDA value and SOD -superoxydismutasis-  activity) were determined in the respective patients.

The analysis of the data obtained showed that the patients who did not use bee products had a lower level of CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD20+ and CD16+ cells but the MDA concentration in their peripheral blood circulation increased.  Other statistical indicators did not change.

In the patients using bee products, we noticed an increase in the number of CD3+ cells during the treatment, while the number of CD4+, CD8+, CD20+ and CD16+ cells did not change statistically and the MDA and DK value decreased in the peripheral blood circulation.
In this group, the number of thrombocytes also decreased during the treatment.

The results obtained indicate that bee products cause positive changes in some indicators of the immune and antioxidative systems in patients with gastric and colon-rectal cancer in the third and the fourth stage, when they are subject to chemotherapy.

